- Where's My Dump Truck?
- Where's My Monster Car?
- New Engine
- Frank & Hank Have A Plan!
- Frank & Hank On Route 66
- Frank & Hank Borrow Rudolph
- Count From 0 To 100
- What's The Difference?
- Why?
- What Month Is This?
- Colors
- Color Me (a coloring book)
- Jumping Rope Rhymes
- The Lost Kapp
- The White House
- Making An American Flag
- The Bear Factory
- Yellow Duck
- Jeremy's Lost Black Duck
- Treasure Hunt
- The Big Treasure -
- A Bump In The Night!
- The Many Friends
Of Mother Goose
- Party Frogs!
- Charly's Car Lot
- This Stuff Is Good Gone!
- Rain Rain Go Away
- Oil Where's That Puzzle?
- What's That Tool For?
- Where Do Apple Pies
Come From?
- Camping Time
- What's Behind This Door?
- Moving Day
- Making A Barn Quilt
- My Dog Wears Shoes
- Purple Kitty
- My Puffy Cat
- Bad Kitty
- Little Orphant Annie
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-Frank & Hank's Grandpa Miller
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- Sewer Monsters!
(Two Books In One)
ABC & Count 0 To 100
- Snowman Bob
- Frank & Hank And The Boat
- Trick Or Treat!
- Thanksgiving Cookin'!
- Mean Wheels Landing
- Dog Boot Camp
-The Box
- Family Lost In an Ant Hill
- It's Only A Flea
Curiosity & The Cat
- Dusting The People's House
Mary & Jane
- Jack